Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Ramadan information from Islamic Website Japan

【ラマダーン情報・ramadan information】
the 1st Ramadan h1433 will be on Suturday 21/7/2012, as the moon has neither been sighted in Japan, and nor in Malaysia.

Penetapan 1 Ramadan 1433 Hijriyah

Di Arab Saudi, komite ulama kerajaan, sudah menetapkan 1 Ramadan 1433 Hijriyah, bertepatan dengan kalendar masehi, Jumat (20/7) besok.

Sejumlah negara Islam, dan di Eropa, Amerika, Afrika, dan beberapa negara di Asia, termasuk Malaysia dan Jepang, juga merujuk ketetapan kerajaan Arab Saudi.
Anggota Dewan Ulama Senior Kerajaan Arab Saudi, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Manie, seperti dilansir Arab News dan kantor berita Arab Saudi (Saudi Press Agency) mengumumkan, awal puasa atau waktu menahan (imaskiyah) serentak dimulai hari Jumat (20/7).

Selain awal Ramadan, sepertiu tahun-tahun sebelumnya, ulama kerajaan juga melansir 1 Syawal 1433 (Idul Fitri), jatuh pada Sabtu 18 Agustus 2012, dan Idul Adha 26 Oktober 2012.
Senior Kerajaan Arab Saudi mengumumkan bulan puasa Ramadhan tahun ini akan dimulai pada Jumat 20 Juli dan Idul Fitri hari Minggu 19 Agustus.

Namun demikian, Arab News melaporkan, penetapan hari-hari yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan keagamaan harus dikonfirmasi oleh penampakan bulan baru dan keputusan resmi dari kerajaan.
Ulama dari universitas terkemuka Arab Saudi di Mekkah, Ummul Qura', Rabu 28 Sha'ban 1433, juga melansir bahwa Umm Al-Qura Calendar, sudah melakukan rukyat pada tanggal 29 Sha'ban 1433 H.

Ibadah Jama'i Dilakukan Bersama Pemerintah

Ibadah yang sifatnya Jama'i (secara bersamaan oleh orang banyak) dilakukan bersama pemerintah. Dalam perkara ibadah jama’i seperti puasa, haji, shalat Id, lebaran, dst. pendapat-pendapat pribadi tidak teranggap dalam syariat. Ketentuan seperti inilah yang layak bagi syariat yang samahah ini yang salah satu tujuannya adalah persatuan ummat dan bersatunya mereka dalam satu barisan. Jika pemerintah melakukan kesalahan dalam perkara ini, kita tetap melakukannya bersama pemerintah, namun dosanya ditanggung pemerintah. 
Nabi Shallallahu'alaihi Wasallam bersabda: 

 يُصَلُّونَ لَكُمْ فَإِنْ أَصَابُوا فَلَكُمْ وَإِنْ أخطؤوا فَلَكُمْ وَعَلَيْهِمْ 
“Shalatlah kalian bersama imam, jika shalat imam itu benar, kalian mendapat pahala. Jika shalat imam itu salah, kalian tetap mendapat pahala dan sang imam yang menanggung kesalahnnya” (HR. Bukhari no.662) 
Beliau Shallallahu’alaihi Wasallam juga bersabda:

 اسمعوا وأطيعوا فإنما عليكم ما حملتم وعليهم ما حملوا 
“Dengar dan taatlah (kepada penguasa). 
Karena yang jadi tanggungan kalian adalah yang wajib bagi kalian, dan yang jadi tanggungan mereka ada yang wajib bagi mereka” (HR. Muslim 1846) Dari: Muslim.Or.Id

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012


More than a soap bubble

This is actually no more than a soap bubble as it explodes out of a sugar dispenser. For the Swiss photographer Fabian Oefner timing is crucial, as is the use of special lighting techniques to capture the bubble's rainbow of colours.

Indonesian Idol (season 7)

The seventh season of Indonesian Idol premiered on RCTI on February 17, 2012. The show aired every Friday at 8:00 pm and Re-run aired every Sunday at 1:00 pm. Daniel Mananta returned as the host, while Anang Hermansyah and Agnes Monica returned as the judges,[1] and musician and hits-maker Ahmad Dhani replaced Erwin Gutawa as the third judges.[2] Fabian Dharmawan became the new Executive Producer for RCTI while Virgita Ruchiman and Glenn Sims were Executive Producers for Fremantle Media. Vokal Plus founder & CEO Indra Aziz, and Irvan Nat, both of them are professional vocal couches, became the new in-house mentors to work with the contestants on a weekly basis. Universal Music Indonesia replaced Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia as Idol's official partner record label. Cross Mobile,[3] Coolant, Honda and Mie Sedaap, were the official sponsors of the show. This season followed the same format as American Idol season 11 and used the new title screen & logo with a different font started from Spectacular round.
Anang Hermansyah , Agnes Monica and Ahmad Dhani returned as the judges
Season 7 is the first season to have a finale with two female contestants, while the second and third seasons had a finale with two male contestants. It is the first season where a saved contestant, Kamasean Matthews to reach the finale. Regina Ivanova is the second contestants of all seasons had never been in the bottom 2 or 3 prior to the finale and the first to be the winner.
On July 8, 2012, Regina Ivanova became the winner of the seventh season of Indonesian Idol, beating Kamasean Matthews, the first female recipient of the judges' save

C-O-O-L pics :D

Some of the cool pics i found on facebook :D

Fake pool at Japan

 Dress-boat. For residents of the flood zone.

 we both know who the winner is going to be

Happy 94th birthday Nelson Mandela :)

Today, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Nelson Mandela celebrates his 94th birthday. People around the world are celebrating “Nelson Mandela Day” by dedicating 67 minutes of their time to help others, in honor of the 67 years that “Madiba” dedicated to fighting against apartheid.

27 of these years were spent as a political prisoner, notably on Robben Island, the island penitentiary where the South African government sent its most serious political opponents for life. Symbolizing the triumph of democracy over racism and oppression, Robben Island is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Following his release in 1990, Mr. Mandela made a historic appeal to UNESCO to resolve “frightening” educational crisis that afflicted apartheid victims, as the basis for a new non-racial South African democracy.
For his unfailing commitment to democracy, equality, dignity and learning, he won the 1992 UNESCO-Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, many of whose past laureates have gone on to win the Nobel Prize for Peace. 40 years after withdrawing from UNESCO for interfering with its “racial problems”, South Africa rejoined under Mr. Mandela’s leadership in 1994, almost immediately after he helped to abolish apartheid.
Let us honor this most generous of men and act on the values that he championed.

Happy 94th birthday Nelson Mandela :) thank you for always wearing Indonesian Batik..

More than words

"Never stop to dream. Does it a matter to have a dream? No....Changes in this world are made controversially. Well, people call your dream weird? Ya! Cause people don't like change! They live and love comfort zone. Any type of change about to make out of comfort. Then, convince your self about your dream, believe, and make it happen. You have to work real hard, consistent, and smart. You know, even stranger try to make you give up. You have to survive "